I started this blog at the urging of friends and family in April 2010 when my husband and I were given an opportunity to relocate in Maryland for one year. We have now returned home to Arizona and continue to walk by faith as we watch God orchestrate the adventures in our lives. I invite you to share in our adventures as we watch God at work!

We live by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

Saturday, June 25


Summer... a time to celebrate... Memorial Day as we pay tribute to our men and women in the Armed Forces who paid the ultimate price.... Flag Day as we honor the flag... the 4th of July as we celebrate the birth of our country. And, as Americans, we proudly fly our flags on each of these holidays. But where are our flags the rest of the summer?

Sadly, ours is in the garage .

I recently returned from visiting our grandkids (and their parents!) in North Carolina. They are typical "Army brats" living on-post at Ft. Bragg. In the last two years, our two oldest grandsons have said "good-bye" to more friends and classmates who moved to other posts than most children do in all their school years combined. They have also befriended new kids who arrive almost every week or so. All our grandkids say "Yes, ma'am" and "No, sir!"- okay, that could also be a "southern thing!" They can differentiate camo patterns used by the different branches of service. They know to stand still and be quiet when "The Flag" (said with awe and reverence!) passes by. And they absolutely LOVE singing patriotic songs!

A sing-along with my NC sweethearts!

There are many things I love about visiting Ft. Bragg- besides being with my family. People fly their flags ALL the time, not just on holidays. I go to sleep listening to "Taps" and wake up with "Reveille"- so much better than the loud squawking of my alarm! I see real American heroes- not celebrities the media portrays as heroes. Everyone... soldiers, spouses, children, civilian workers... LOVES America and it shows in their attitudes. They are patriotic even when it's not a holiday.

Dictionary.com defines "patriotism" as "devoted love, support and defense of one's country."  My challenge, for myself and for you, is to let our patriotism show all the time. Fly your flag... just for fun. Buy the red,white and blue M&M's... for no reason. Make a red, white and blue dessert... just because. I'm going to try a Star Spangled Fruit Tart! Learn the words to the "Star Spangled Banner" and sing it while you're driving around town. If you see a soldier (or seaman or airman) in uniform, thank him for his service. Be an informed voter and encourage others to vote. Pray for our country and our elected leaders. Be outraged when others make fun of or apologize for  America- and then take action. Refuse to see the movie, by the cd or otherwise endorse that person/organization. Read a book about our Founding Fathers. Purchase only American-made products for an entire week. Then make it two weeks.

Together, we can make a difference. And now, I have to go put up my flag!


  1. How precious was that!!! I just recently started flying our new flag up in Payson every day I am there, but not down here. Why is that!

  2. Maybe more people regularly fly THEIR flags in Payson? Maybe because it's new? I think new flags always look so crisp and clean...
