I started this blog at the urging of friends and family in April 2010 when my husband and I were given an opportunity to relocate in Maryland for one year. We have now returned home to Arizona and continue to walk by faith as we watch God orchestrate the adventures in our lives. I invite you to share in our adventures as we watch God at work!

We live by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

Wednesday, April 8

wacky wednesday - breakfast with sweetheart number 4

When we were in North Carolina in December, we took each of the boys to breakfast one by one. (breakfast with the boys) I visited the sweethearts a couple of weeks ago and it was Lexie's turn to go to breakfast.

Part of the fun is the anticipation and deciding where to go. Every time I talked to Lexie on the phone in the weeks leading up to my visit, we talked about going to breakfast. And every time we talked about it, her restaurant choice changed. I couldn't wait to find out the final answer!

Lexie (age 7) chose Dunkin' Donuts for her breakfast outing. She was so excited that the first words out of her mouth when she woke up were, "Can we go to breakfast NOW?????" After getting dressed and getting directions, we were off. On the drive there, I asked her how many donuts she wanted. Her quick, no hesitation response was "THREE!" And she also wanted coffee.

I convinced her to start with two donuts with the promise that she could get another one if she wanted it after she ate the first two. The woman at the counter took our order and made Lexie "special coffee" (a little coffee with warm milk and sugar).

Brkfst with Lexie-ed2

She chose a bar-height table and we sat down to eat breakfast and chat. She read all the signs on the walls and windows to me. Then we got down to business. She likes playing with her friends and reading the best at school. Frozen is her favorite movie and it's Elsa over Anna all the way because "she sings the good songs and she's so pretty!"

By this time Lexie had finished her two donuts and wanted a third. I encouraged her to go up and order her donut herself but she wanted me to do it. As I watched her sitting at the table while I went up to the counter, she reminded me very much of her mother as a child - kicking her legs against the chair and smiling at the other customers. Sigh. They grow up so fast.

Lexie celebrated her seventh birthday the week before our breakfast. She insisted she felt "older" when she woke up on her birthday and she might even be a little taller. But other than that, being seven was about the same as being six. I asked her old she thought I was and she said, with absolute certainty, "39!" YES!!!

The donuts and coffee were gone and it was time to go. As we drove home I was already looking forward to the next time she and I will go to breakfast, wondering what things we'll talk about then. One thing I know for certain - kids like to talk, especially when someone is listening.


  1. I like how you left out that she had to give you directions to get home from DD because you couldn't remember! ;)
