I started this blog at the urging of friends and family in April 2010 when my husband and I were given an opportunity to relocate in Maryland for one year. We have now returned home to Arizona and continue to walk by faith as we watch God orchestrate the adventures in our lives. I invite you to share in our adventures as we watch God at work!

We live by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

Wednesday, February 23

Camp Grandma: Ben's Visit

Last week was our youngest grandson's turn to visit Camp Grandma. Ben is almost four (his birthday is in April) and was very excited to come... both because he likes to do things the "big boys" get to do and also to spend time with us. We, of course, were delighted to have him here!

Sweet Ben
We have always called him "Sweet Ben" because he has such a sweet disposition (well, maybe not so much when he was two...) and now he also has quite a sweet tooth to go with it! His deep blue eyes pierce your heart and his big smile warms you all over.

One of the things Ben really wanted to do while he was here was "ride the Metro"- and he didn't care where we went, it was the ride that was important. On Sunday Grandpa, Ben and I rode the Metro into Washington, D.C. and went to the Smithsonian National Zoological Park, or National Zoo as it is more commonly referred to. 

Metro collage
Ben's sweet smile as he waited patiently for the next train brought a smile to most of the people walking past us. He learned how to tell when the train is approaching (for those who don't know, the lights on the edge of the platform flash). And on the way home, he learned how to "hold the pole and ride"- truly an E-ticket ride!

The one animal Ben talked about before we arrived was the lion- and he seemed a little afraid of it. When we got to the lion exhibit, the lion was sleeping and Ben felt quite brave. He jumped up and down and roared and roared and roared! Finally, the lion woke up... stood up... walked a few steps... and ROARED!!! Not once but several times! Poor Ben looked horrified... as if he wondered what in the world he had done! He grabbed my hand and watched as the lion walked around and roared some more... and then laid down again. Ben figured out that the lion couldn't get out... and then roared even more at him all the while smiling and laughing. What at first was a scary part of the zoo became his favorite part.

Zoo collage
The panda bears look cuddly and cute... until you see one with his mouth open and catch a glimpse of their huge teeth and then watch them snap a tree trunk like it was a french fry. However, Ben enjoyed playing with the panda statue!

We went out to dinner, to Target, to the library and to Starbucks- but Ben really likes to just do things at home. He reminds me of Walt Disney who once said, "When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do." One of Ben's favorite things was helping Grandpa wash the cars - Ben helped him dry them and then vacuum. He emptied the bathroom trash cans and helped take the trash out to the dumpster. Drying dishes and emptying the dishwasher were great fun. He helped me cook- his favorite thing was using the hand chopper to make "bacon sprinkles" (his term, not mine!) for potato salad. It might sound like child labor but he thought everything was a game- what a great perspective! Perhaps we can learn from that...

Working collage
We also blew bubbles, colored, finger painted and read books... so it wasn't all work and no play! And sometimes we didn't comb our hair until afternoon!

One of the things I love about this age is that they haven't been bitten by the consumer bug yet. Ben didn't bring ANY toys with him- but was quite content to play with my place mats and coasters on the floor as he played "school" or made them into a "bus."  Three plastic cups, a plastic spoon and about 15 pennies entertained him for hours as he pretended to be "a Starbox guy" making coffee drinks. I wish kids could stay that way forever... 

Color Walk collage
When we took the trash out to the dumpster, we went on a "Color Hike" and found something white, something yellow, something green and something red. Ben was really nervous about sitting on the red curb because "you aren't supposed to stop there- it's for firetrucks!"

Shaving collage
Like most little boys, at the end of the day Ben needed a bath. He loved "shaving with his shaving cream and 'lazor' just like Daddy!" 

Tub Time
Sweet Ben

 Proverbs 17:6 says "Grandchildren are the crowning glory of the aged..." (NLT) They are a gift and a great joy. And we love spending time with each one of ours.


  1. He definitely is our sweet, sweet Benjamin :) Looks like you had TONS of fun!!

  2. I also feel like I should mention that my captcha for that last comment was "popygoot" - I'm telling you, I should string a few of these captchas together and make a pretty awesome blog name... :)
