I started this blog at the urging of friends and family in April 2010 when my husband and I were given an opportunity to relocate in Maryland for one year. We have now returned home to Arizona and continue to walk by faith as we watch God orchestrate the adventures in our lives. I invite you to share in our adventures as we watch God at work!

We live by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

Friday, August 6

Camp Grandma: Christopher's Visit

Grandchildren are most assuredly a blessing from God. They allow you to see your own child as a parent which is often amusing as you hear words come from their mouth that they promised they would never tell their children. Grandchildren are the chance to do what we could not do as a parent- spoil them a little bit. They are the future.

Our oldest grandchild, Christopher (not Chris, but Christopher!), came to visit us for a week. He just turned seven and is starting second grade this year. He likes Spiderman and playing Super Mario Brothers, has quite a sweet tooth, is generous and thoughtful, and loves pizza. I thought I knew him pretty well. But there are things you can learn about someone only by spending time alone with them.

Christopher was at "Camp Grandma" from July 24th to July 31st. What an awesome time we had!

We spent the week doing some planned/organized activities as well as some every-day things. I think Christopher was surprised to learn that I go grocery shopping, stop at the gas station, do laundry and clean just like his mom. I discovered he loves fruit and cole slaw and macaroni & cheese with hotdogs, he can sort and pair sox faster than I can, and he didn't know his mom had chores when she was his age. In fact, he liked hearing stories about his mom when she was "a kid." 

fun times collage
We made a Spiderman blanket and played "Imaginary Go Fish" (without cards!) while we were stuck in stop & go traffic. Did I mention he loves Super Mario Brothers? He played it with Grandpa most of the time because "Grandma isn't very good at it!" but he did try to teach me how to play. I discovered that he is a very patient teacher and can explain things fairly well.

It wouldn't be a camp experience without swimming... and we went several times. Although Christopher doesn't know how to swim (yet), he did make a lot of progress this week. It rained one day and we walked in it with umbrellas... and maybe splashed in a puddle or two. Our apartment building is next door to the public library and we went twice. I was astonished at how well Christopher can read. We got six books and he read them all... several times.

library collage
Christopher did a craft activity at the library. They made sand casts of fish and then read a story about a sea creature. He listened attentively to the directions and took his time as he made his cast... a "smiling fish!"

One day was "Christopher Day"- where he got to make all the decisions about what we did. We rode the metro into Washington, D.C. where he said he wanted to go to the National Air & Space Museum (Smithsonian) but when we arrived he changed his mind and we went to the Museum of Natural History (also known as "the dinosaur museum!") instead. We met Auntie Janne and Uncle Adam for lunch at Cosi (Christopher chose the place and what he had) and then we headed to the National Archives to see the "Decoration" of Independence that was in the movie National Treasure that we watched. But he changed his mind again and we went to the National Air & Space Museum leaving the National Archives for another time. I learned that he has definite opinions about what he wants to do and he enjoys being in charge! Who doesn't?

Chris in DC collage
Christopher Day was fun!!

Christopher wanted to buy me these flowers- but took a picture of them instead since he didn't have any money. What a thoughtful and sweet kid! I told him the picture was even better because I could keep it forever.

All too soon the week was over and it was time for Christopher to go home. He and I took the train (Amtrak) from Baltimore's Penn Station to the train station in Fayetteville, North Carolina. It was a first for both of us... and a  lot of fun. We (and the rest of the car!) laughed at the man across from us who snored... really loudly, he watched a movie on my laptop, ate lunch in the lounge car, and made a video of his "vacation."

train trip collage

I think we both had a fun week.

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