I started this blog at the urging of friends and family in April 2010 when my husband and I were given an opportunity to relocate in Maryland for one year. We have now returned home to Arizona and continue to walk by faith as we watch God orchestrate the adventures in our lives. I invite you to share in our adventures as we watch God at work!

We live by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

Wednesday, November 12

wacky wednesday - who knew???

Most kids, regardless of gender, like playing with LEGOS. Some kids like to use the "recipe" and build the fire truck or the Star Wars Death Star. Others like to use their imagination and create something entirely on their own.

Most LEGO sets are geared to children. Some sets are movie themed (Star Wars and The Lego Movie come to mind); others are based on superheroes (Batman, Superman, etc.) or everyday heroes (fireman and policemen, among others). Recently "girl sets" with princess or animal themes (with lots of pink bricks) have become popular. But at some point in childhood, most kids lose their fascination with the little interlocking bricks.

Or so I thought.

My sweet husband was googling the television show Big Bang Theory to purchase the last season on DVD and found this:

What could be better than LEGOS & Big Bang Theory together?
(This is the fan model created by Alatariel & GlenBricker, not the actual set. You can see the complete set, minifigures (characters) and accessories they submitted here.)

Further research revealed that ANYONE can submit ideas to LEGO Ideas by creating a model,  writing a project description, and following the guidelines and rules outlined by LEGO. The next step is gathering 10,000 supporters for your project. Once a project garners the required support, it enters the LEGO review phase where a review board of set designers and marketing representatives evaluate the project using criteria such as playability, safety and fit within the LEGO brand. All sets, fan ideas and internal ideas, go through this same process with the review board. If a fan's project is selected by the review board for production, the fan designer gets credit and a percentage of the sales. Awesome, huh?

In September, the LEGO review board announced  several fan projects that made the cut and Big Bang Theory was one of them! You can see the others on the LEGO Ideas Blog - my Dr. Who friends will want to check it out for sure! And one of the projects is unlike any other I've seen.

The name LEGO is an abbreviation of the two Danish words "leg godt" meaning "play well." With sets for kids of all ages, everyone will play well!


  1. I thought you would be excited about the hummingbird kit.

    1. Oh I am! I will be ordering it as soon as it's available ;-)
