I started this blog at the urging of friends and family in April 2010 when my husband and I were given an opportunity to relocate in Maryland for one year. We have now returned home to Arizona and continue to walk by faith as we watch God orchestrate the adventures in our lives. I invite you to share in our adventures as we watch God at work!

We live by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

Thursday, October 1

thankful thursday - babies

Babies are a precious bundle of joy - a special gift from God. We were blessed with two babies who, as babies do, grew up. And now they have babies of their own. While most of our sweethearts (aka grandchildren) are past the baby stage, we still have two who are under two years which, in my opinion, still gives them baby status.

Ellie will be two in November. Each day that passes she is a little less "baby" and a smidge more "little girl." I love watching her become more independent as she explores her world. She makes me laugh and brings great joy into the lives of her whole family.

Ellie 3  collage

Hannah will be one in November - she and Ellie are almost exactly a year apart. She is nearly as big physically as her cousin thanks to her daddy's "tall genes" but still has a cute squishy baby face. Sometimes she wants nothing more than to explore what's around her and other times she wants to be held and snuggled, something I don't mind doing at all!

Hannah 3 collage

Ellie lives in North Carolina and Hannah lives in Arizona so they don't see each other often. Fortunately, they both have parents who believe family relationships are important and have been committed to getting together as often as possible which realistically means about once a year or so. Although they have only seen each other twice, I think they know they are related! 

baby cousins 2 collage

Someone once asked me what my favorite age of children was - and I was stumped. I love them all and all for different reasons. I love the wonder and brand-newness that babies bring. They make you smile for no reason - even babies you don't know!

Grandma & sweethearts collage

I am thankful for the babies in my life. And for the "little people" and "older people" they eventually grow into! 

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