I started this blog at the urging of friends and family in April 2010 when my husband and I were given an opportunity to relocate in Maryland for one year. We have now returned home to Arizona and continue to walk by faith as we watch God orchestrate the adventures in our lives. I invite you to share in our adventures as we watch God at work!

We live by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

Friday, May 21

Kristin and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day...

There were two things I wanted to take care of today- 1) make an appointment with a podiatrist to find out why the top of my right foot is increasingly painful and 2) make an appointment for a haircut. Both of these items were way past due- change (a new doctor or hair stylist) is hard for me. I picked a podiatrist pretty much at random (his name sounded nice...) on our health insurance plan and called this morning. I was able to get an appointment this afternoon due to a cancellation. One down, one to go. I planned to stop at the hair salon after my doctor appointment since I didn't have the salon's phone number.

The doctor was professional but personable. He took my history, probed around and sent me for an x-ray before gently telling me I had "fairly severe arthritis" in the joints in the top of my foot. Hmmm... I remember my Arizona doc telling me years ago when I had foot surgeries done that they could contribute to arthritis later.) He explained treatment options which are palliative (relieve symptoms) not curative- oral NSAIDS, cortisone injections and physical therapy- and new orthotics would definitely help. All I could think about as he was talking was that I am too young to be limping with arthritis. Dumb, I know. Later had come. He suggested a cortisone injection and two week course of a prescription NSAID- and they would check to see if orthotics would be covered by my insurance plan. After getting the injection and prescription, I limped out to my car and drove to the hair salon thinking I would stop at the mall after making my hair cut appointment. He did say I needed new "sneakers." And as they say, there is nothing like a little "retail therapy" to make you feel better!

I stopped at the hair salon Richard had used a couple of weeks ago. Although they cut his hair a bit differently, it looks really good. They weren't very busy in the middle of the afternoon and I was able to get an appointment right then. The shampoo and "head massage" was exquisite... and made me feel much better. The stylist asked what I wanted done and I explained that I am totally inept with a curling iron, flat iron and can barely use a bow dryer. I told her my hair needed shaping and to be a little shorter since it had been six weeks since my last haircut. She got to work snipping and cutting... snipping and cutting... snipping and cutting. The mirror was just far enough away that I couldn't really see without my glasses. When she finished- and handed me a hand mirror to see the back- I nearly gasped out loud. My hair has not been this short in at least a decade. This was not a haircut- it was a brand new hair style... and one I don't really like. Seeing the look on my face, she said she did what I asked- gave it shape and made it shorter. I beg to differ... but I paid for my haircut and left to go to the mall.

The short walk from the salon to the mall has a series of benches along it. I stopped at one and sat down to collect myself a bit. And then the tears came. I decided to skip the mall and just go home to wallow in my misery by myself. As I walked into our apartment, the tears started again. I knew I was being silly but couldn't seem to stop the flood. After a few minutes, I heard this small voice telling me, "You have so much to be thankful for. You have legs and feet to carry you- remember the story you just read in Colson's book, "How Now Shall We Live," about the Vietnam vet who returned home without any legs? You have hair- and it will grow back. Remember your friend, Jamie, who lost all her hair when she was battling breast cancer- and then lost her battle. Suddenly the tears stopped. I thanked God... for leading me to a caring, compassionate doctor... for having options... that my foot was less painful since the injection... and I began to feel less dejected. I continued thanking God... for the opportunity to grow my hair out and find a new hairstyle (something I wouldn't do... since I don't like change...)... for hair that grows quickly... for reminding me that real beauty is on the inside (1 Peter 3:3-4)... and I began to smile.

I told Richard earlier about my disappointment following my appointments. After work, he walked in the door with a beautiful flowering plant for me. And he didn't laugh at my hair. He gave me a hug. I thanked God for a loving husband who knows how to cheer me up.

A flowering plant... a reminder of life and beauty.
No picture of my haircut... but maybe one day =)

Contrary to what the advertising world would like you to believe, "retail therapy" doesn't make you feel better. Being thankful to our Sovereign God in all situations does. "Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise Him... He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." Psalm 147:1,3

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