I started this blog at the urging of friends and family in April 2010 when my husband and I were given an opportunity to relocate in Maryland for one year. We have now returned home to Arizona and continue to walk by faith as we watch God orchestrate the adventures in our lives. I invite you to share in our adventures as we watch God at work!

We live by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

Tuesday, November 9

it's that time of year again!

Autumn is my favorite time of year. In Arizona, it signals the end (hopefully) of a long, hot summer. In Maryland, it has been a brilliant explosion of colors as the leaves on the trees changed and temperatures dropped. It ushers in Thanksgiving... turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie, family & friends, grateful hearts. Then the Christmas season begins with all its sights and sounds. All of these things are "expected."

Last weekend when we went to the grocery store, we encountered a totally unexpected part of autumn. Yep, a Girl Scout COOKIE BOOTH!! We discovered that East Coast Girl Scouts have their cookie booths in November rather than springtime as is the case in Arizona. And some of their cookies are different from Arizona! However, the Brownies are just as cute coast to coast.

GS Cookies
Okay, at $4 per box they are not a bargain... but they are yummy!

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