I started this blog at the urging of friends and family in April 2010 when my husband and I were given an opportunity to relocate in Maryland for one year. We have now returned home to Arizona and continue to walk by faith as we watch God orchestrate the adventures in our lives. I invite you to share in our adventures as we watch God at work!

We live by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

Wednesday, April 23

wacky wednesday - boris & natasha ... the rest of the story

Two weeks ago I wrote about ducks that live in our neighborhood by the lake. Using photos I shot one day while I was walking, I created a story about a mama duck (Mrs. Quack) and her baby ducks who are, in reality, Ninja ducks-in-training (or NDITs). The protagonists, Boris and Natasha, are infamous foreign spies whose specialties are espionage and intrigue. You can read that story here.

After I clicked "Publish," I forgot about the ducks. It was, afterall, a fictional story... a figment of my imagination. Or was it?

A day or two later friends told me they caught Boris and Natasha spying on their house while the feathered agents swam in their pool. WonderPup Zena and her handler scared them away - but not before they got my address.

rebel spies

I noticed them in the morning. They tried to blend in with the doves, coots, wrens and hummingbirds in our yard but I recognized them. Realizing their cover had been blown, they flew off. I thought that was the end of it ... but I was wrong.

rebel spies 2

They were back later that evening trying to look nonchalant. They walked around the pool as they examined the perimeter of the house looking for flaws and weak spots that they might exploit. This time I was taking no chances. I shot them about 50 times (with my camera, folks - no need to call PETA!) before they finally took off.

I went to bed thinking the problem was handled. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

I was abruptly awakened early in the morning by a loud "FTHTHTHUMMMPP" and sat bolt upright in bed. A quick check revealed that the perimeter was still secure and I went back to sleep. When I got up about an hour later and went outside, I noticed a large grouping of dried water spots and drips towards the top of the living room window. It looked like someone threw a heavy, wet mop head at the window and it bounced off. Or like a wet duck hit the window.

I think Blanca Shnozz showed up just as Boris and Natasha were attempting to breach the perimeter. Using her other superpower, she aimed her deadly laser at them and... poof! They were gone. 

It's the only explanation. They haven't been seen since then.


  1. That's what they want you to think……….,,;-) Good story!!

  2. Very creative! Have not seen them at the house again and glad they have found yours. However, I have seen them down the main drag of the neighborhood on one of my walks. Looks like they are not done with whatever they have planned.

  3. Thanks, guys! I thought I saw them while I was walking but decided they were super secret spies (SSS) - those masters of disguise, Bland Betty and Nondescript Neal. I wonder what they'r doing in the neighborhood??
